Saturday, July 27, 2013

Unconditional Love is Not Something We Have Within Us

"You can't give what you don't have. You can't call up reserves that aren't already there. Selfish springs do not produce selfless water. Just as you can't give away a million dollars that you don't have, you cannot pay out love in greater measure than you own. You can try, but you will fail.

"Love that is faithfully pure and able to withstand every pressure is out of your reach, as long as you're only looking within yourself to find it. You need another source. You need someone to give you that kind of love. But here's the good news: because of God's great love for you and His love for your spouse, He has made a way to express His love through you."

 - The Love Dare

Monday, July 15, 2013

Listen, and Hear HIs Voice.

Bill and Marsha Burns

I have brought you to this place, a place where there does not seem a way to cross over. I brought you to this place so that you could look back at the wilderness and see where I brought you from. Look over into the promise places that I Am taking you too and realize that your ability, your might, your strength; your ingenuity cannot take you over. It is by you yielding to Me, it is complete surrendering your all to Me. By recognizing that there is nothing in you that can take you over, only your complete surrender and trust to me. That empowers you to follow the course of My Spirit. For I am well able to bring you over into that promised place. It is that place where you lift up your hands out of complete surrender realizing that everything that you have done, all that you have mustered up in your own strength has not brought you to this place. Only those moments where you yielded to Me. It is that place where I will cause you to cross over on My wings. Only on My wings and on My strength and My ability will you cross over. And I say unto you this is a good place, it is a place that I have brought you to, so that you would really know what it is to walk by faith, really know what it is to trust Me, really know what it is to lean over on the arms of a mighty God. For then says the Lord, I will bring you out with a strong hand, I will bring you out with a mighty hand.

Saturday, July 6, 2013


Through my recent struggles I have learned this: I have learned that love must be unconditional, consistent, and unwavering. I have learned what that looks like. It must be unattached to any specific outcome or circumstance, and be entirely for the best interest of the person whom I love. Furthermore God has shown me this truth with absolute certainty: If I do not let her go entirely, yielding in surrender before God and His will, then she sits on the throne of my heart. This cannot be. God must be first, and Jesus must be supreme. Only in this reality am I truly free and empowered with the confidence and courage that I need to be the man God has made me to be. If I hold to her instead of God, then I am a slave to her, and as a consequence I suffer the torment of never being fulfilled. In God’s faithfulness He has brought me to a place where I must let go, yet He has gracefully given be the understanding to go along with it. I yield. I let go entirely of her, of my ideas, of my hopes, and my dreams. I surrender to the will of God. I do not know what lies ahead, but I know that I do not own the outcome. I find great peace and rest in this understanding. My love for her is no less, for I know what real love is, but I have been made free from the enslavement of my own mind. God must be first. Anytime anyone, or anything, comes before God it is idolatry. God is in the business of destroying idols. He loves us too much let us be enslaved in our sin. True freedom only lies in Him. Whatever, or whoever, sits on the throne of your heart, I pray that you might re-evaluate your life. Do not force God to remove what keeps you dead and enslaved, just so that He can save your soul and give you life. It hurts to have things torn from our hands. Much better to willing yield them.