Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Winds of Change

It is election time right now, and everyone is talking about how the future of the country rests on the man who is elected for president. There is no doubt about the moral and ethical depravity that permeates from our once great nation, and everyone recognized the great need for change. The problem is that we expect it to come from an outside source. We expect someone to take a leadership position, and then direct our lives via way of laws and mandates in order to get things back on track. This is ludicrous!

If we truly want to see change, guess where it MUST take place? In the home, in the family, is where the change must begin. We are where we are today as a country, not because of a single man's execution of his position, but rather because of the failure and collapse of the family institution. The change we so desperately need and desire must begin within the home. What we model for our kids is handed down to them, just as what our parents modeled was handed down to us.

Life is always in perpetual motion. Things are either getting better, or they are getting worse. As I have mentioned before, these are spiral effects that are compounded exponentially as our daily lives create ripples in the lives around us.

My heart burns for families, and I believe the man is the key to that revitalization. I believe the man is the one responsible for leading his family, and must lay down his life for them. If one man can learn to live for his family, instead of himself, then the results will be far reaching. His life will then make a profound positive impact in his wife's life, in his children's lives, and make a difference for generations.

A man that will put his pride, his desires, and his needs aside out of love for his family is a man that will be cherished and loved by his children and wife. As men though, we want the love, respect, and affection in order for us to make the sacrifices needed. This is so backwards from what is necessary, and why there are so many divorces today.

Nobody said it was going to be easy! In fact, if we were to ask anyone who has made it over 25 years being married, they would tell you it is hard work. I will say it again. ANYTHING WORTH HAVING IS WORTH FIGHTING FOR! Why do we think traditional wedding vows include "for better or worse, till death do us part"? Things will get rough. There will be times we might not feel very loved or appreciated. There might be times we feel like giving up. But we can't. It doesn't matter how sorry we feel for our self. It doesn't matter how bad it hurts. We can't be cowards! We have to be the men our families need us to be, and this requires us to get over our self.

Let's us have some real talk. As a man, we have needs that are more specific to us than to women. We have a need to be respected, and we, typically, have a stronger libido. These are some of the things that make us feel loved. Likewise, our wives have certain things that make them feel loved. Our wives need to be able to trust us. Our wives need to feel valued and appreciated. Our wives need our time, walks on the beach, conversations about nothing, time scrap booking, and nice back rubs without us trying to turning it into sexual intercourse to feed our desires.

If our wife is willing to communicate to us something that she likes, then wouldn't doing that thing for her just because it makes her happy make sense, if we love her? If our wife says that a certain thing bothers her, then it is our obligation out of love to quit that activity. End of story. Yet we don't. We justify it, argue about it, and then do it anyway. Then, on top of that, we lie about it. What? Is this really what love looks like? Why then do we do it?

We do it, because we are still living for us. We do it, because we want to do what we want. We do it, because our own desires supersede the feelings and desire of our wives. This, gentlemen, is the truth. We can spin it however we want, and justify our actions however we want, but it does not change the facts.

Part of our justification process is placing the blame on our wife. We say that our wives are too controlling, that they don’t do anything for us, that they aren’t meeting our needs, or whatever else we can think of. Thing is though, these things might well be true, so we find validity using them as excuses.

Likewise, our wives do the same thing. “Why would I want to have sex with him, when he doesn’t do anything for me?” “Every time he rubs my back, or we do anything romantic, he always makes it about sex.” They are probably right too! Imagine that. The issue is that we each start to draw back from one another, becoming more and more selfish because our own needs aren’t being met.

Men… put down the video games, and give your wives some attention. Don’t do it because you are trying to get in their pants, but do it just because it makes them happy.

Women… respect your husband, and be supportive. This might be difficult at first, but he needs it. Have sex with him, and let him enjoy your body. We are wired differently, and in such a way that in order to meet each others needs so that we feel loved we HAVE to live for the other person.

There is a solution, and this is what I mean by laying down our life as men. Women may have to do this first if your husband is not quite mature enough, but one of us will have to take the first step. We HAVE to let go of our own needs, wants, and desires and just love the other person. Do whatever it is that is necessary to make them happy, to meet their needs, and fulfill their desires. This will NOT be easy, but the failure to do this is the cause of the increasing deterioration of the family unit.

Let me share this with you. If my wife were to make me feel loved and respected, I would be all the more eager to make her feel loved and respected. Makes sense doesn’t it? It is the lack of this kind of love that causes the reverse effect. If one of the two can be strong, love the other unconditionally, and put their own life to the side, then the other will continue to grow, blossom, and reach a point where they want to return that kind of love.

Remember that we are set in perpetual motion, and all things, whether good or bad, are manifest in a spiral effect. Life requires boldness, character, discipline, sacrifice, and commitment. So the question is whether or not we have these attributes to do what must be done. Understanding the truth is one thing, but doing something about it is a whole different story. A married couple MUST live for one another if their family is to survive.


So how do we address this chronic issue we have within our self? A long time ago this vicious battle we fight was put into these words: "For the good that I will to do, I do not do; but the evil I will not to do, that I practice." This is not a new battle, a new challenge. This is a plague that has been around since the first man.

We all know the person we want to be, but it is becoming that person that is lost to us. We know the husband, father, wife, or mother that we want so desperately to be. In fact, some of us believe we are that person while the truths of our life would prove otherwise. For those who say they are the person they always wanted to be... I would wonder if they have even begun the journey.

The more self aware we become, the more awake and cognitive, the more room we should realize there is for growth. We will never arrive at this moment of completeness in this life, but we should always be fighting to become better. If we are not fighting for something better, something more, then it just doesn't hurt bad enough yet, or we are dead.

Every day, every thought, every moment we will be at war with our self. The lie that we need to look out for number one, our self, is perpetuated by everything around us. Unless we make a diligent, deliberate effort to proactively live a selfless life, then the likely hood of us being able to make a selfless decision in the moment will be minimal.

What then do we do? Do we settle for defeat and accept that we can never win this battle, that we can never be the person we want to be? NEVER! We may fail, but we must continue to push forward for all that we are worth. Anything worth having, is worth fighting for.

We are each at a different point in our life, in our maturity, but ultimately we are headed towards the same goal. As we continue to push our self to our limits, we will begin to be able to accept more truths about who we are. We are not to judge or condemn one another, but rather to exhort each other. We need encouragement, love, and support so that we can continue to grow.

Every person you meet throughout your day is enduring the same struggle, the same fight, and you have an opportunity to encourage and build up, or to tear down and destroy. How we choose to treat other people is a pretty concise measurement for where we are in our own maturity. There is no better measure of where we are on our own journey than the very impact we make in the lives around us. Are we adding value to the lives around us, or are we hindering others from growing with our negativity and demeaning words?

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Objective Evaluation

Why do we become annoyed with our loved ones? How is it that we can so easily be short with our spouse and children? These things happen to all of us, just some more than others. How come the ones we love sometimes tend to get the worst from us?

There are so many moments throughout the day that present opportunities for us to show those we love how much they really mean to us. Unfortunately we are blind to a lot of them. When our daughter is trying so diligently to get our attention while we are busy cooking or talking on the phone, or when our son is trying so hard to get our attention while we are watching the football game. These are golden opportunities for us to quit what we are doing, give our child our undivided attention, & let them know that they are more important to us than whatever "thing" we might have been doing.

Unfortunately though, in most cases, we show them just the opposite. We show them that whatever "thing" we might be doing is more important than them by either ignoring them, or give them a half-ass acknowledgement. This is obviously not intentional, since we all love our children, but this is definitely what we are showing them.

Actions speak louder than words, & we all know this to be true. We tell our children not to swear, but then we go & do it. What does the child do? Like father, like son. We tell our daughters that it doesn't matter what other people think of them, then we talk about how fat we are. What does our daughter learn? That it is important what other people think of us.

There is enough crap in this world already setting a horrible path for our children, the last thing we need to do is enforce it. It doesn't matter what we have, or don't have, yet we give everything we can into competing with the Jones'. The way we dress, the way we talk, the way we respond... All of these things our children are observing, & absorbing. We can't kid our selves. Our children will grow up to be EXACTLY like us.

Great responsibility rest on our shoulders as parents. If we truly want the best for our children, then we have to model it for them. We need to just take a long, hard, look at our self in the mirror, & ask if this is truly the life we want to give to our children. Most of us want our kids to marry a great spouse, be loved, have children, & enjoy a life of love & happiness.

We so readily give up on family & marriages, stress over money, and live a life short of what we want our children to have. We are setting the example. We are setting the bar. Our daughters will grow up looking for a man just like us, because we are showing them what a man looks like. Our sons will grow up and treat women how we treat women, because we are showing them how a man is supposed to act. Our daughters will grow up and treat their husband just like their mom has taught them, and our sons will grow up and look for a woman just like what mom has shown him a woman should be.

If we want the best for our children, we HAVE to SHOW them what that looks like. This requires us to quit looking at life through our narrow, selfish, perspective, and start to see things through a much different scope. Our innocent children's futures hinge on our every day life. What example are we setting for them today?

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


As we begin to see our self for who we really are, we stand at a crossroad. How easy it is to simply say that we aren't as bad as so and so. Remember though... This process is about us, not anyone else.

Part of the mold we have to break, the new thinking we MUST exercise, is to quit finding blame and to start finding SELF. It is not other people that are causing havoc in our lives. It is us that are responsible for where we are. It doesn't matter at all how we compare to another person, because we are NOT talking about their life here.

However, if we can see our failures for what they are, we then have an opportunity to change them. We have thus been able to define the problem acutely, so we can now come up with a solution. If only we could get rid of selfishness, we would be able to be the person we so desperately want to be. We would be able to love those in our life who need us so badly in such away that they would never wonder how much they mean to us.

Think about this logically. If you were loved in such away that you knew it, you could feel it, how much of a positive impact would that have in your life? Don't you want that for the people you love? Don't you want to be the wife your husband needs and wants? Don't you want to be the husband your wife needs and wants? Don't you want to be the parent your children need? Their life depends on it!

Whatever we have been doing so far is not getting us to where we want to be, so are we willing to try something different? If we continue to do what we have always done, we will continue to get what we have always got.

What I present to you is nothing new, but maybe you are finally at a place in your life where it will make more sense. People call it "The Golden Rule". Jesus said, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." This term has since been termed "The Golden Rule."

The concept is simple enough, but it is the application that proves to be difficult. It requires clear intent, continually, to be able to put this concept into practice. Simple application would be lying. Nobody likes to be lied to, but how often do we lie to others? The logical application is to obviously quit lying, yet that tendency is always there. The reason? Because we can justify our actions and behavior whenever we want to. We can say that it is none of their business. We can say that we just don't want to deal with it right now. We can say whatever we want to, and be more than justified in our own eyes.

Read that last paragraph again. Do you see that EVERY single excuse is selfish in nature? Not one of them has anything to do with the other person! We have the capacity to rationalize and justify absolutely ANYTHING we want to. This we MUST firmly grasp as we fight to take control of our thoughts and life.

Everyone is right in his own eyes. This, my friends, is the next huge step to breaking free of the chains that enslave us. We MUST realize that not only are we THE problem, but we are going to present the biggest hurtle we will face in the pursuit of the life we know is possible. We are in a fight for our life, and we are the one responsible for the losses accrued so far. You are about to take yourself head on into the biggest struggle you will ever face. You are going to have to fight, and conquer, your greatest adversary... YOURSELF!


By this point, we have come to a clear acceptance of who we are as a person. We have put aside all of the excuses, all of the blame, all of the justification, and we are able to see the bare truth. Now, for the first time in our lives we are able to give a concise, non-bias, definition of who we are. We are selfish by nature. We are liars. We are manipulators. We are hurtful, and inconsiderate. We live for our self.

Even our love for our wife, husband, or children can be distorted by the love of our self. The world tells us, "You have to love yourself before you can love anyone else." This is a lie that simply perpetuates the self serving nature that writhes within us. No wonder our world continues to deteriorate around us at an alarming rate. Everything around us feeds the pride and lies of our self delusion. "Be strong!" "You deserve this!" "You deserve that!" "You have to love yourself first!" "Make sure you are happy first!" However, the real problem is that we love our self TOO MUCH!

We don't generally hear this shared though, and you know why? Everyone is out to make a buck, and guess what people pay the most for? What they want to hear. This is not what we want to hear though, because truth hardly ever is.

If selfishness is the cause of every single problem in our life, then wouldn't it make sense that if we could get rid of selfishness that we could change our life dramatically? So then, how do we conquer such an innate characteristic that we have allowed to dictate our entire life to this point?

The first step is realizing how much of a hold this disgusting plague has on us. I am going to challenge you to begin examining your thoughts throughout the day. Why do we think the way we do, and what is it we spend most of our time thinking about? We will find that we spend over 95% of our time thinking about our self. What we want, need... Even if we are thinking about something other than us it is ONLY because it is relevant to us in some way. Isn't that crazy!

Book after book has been written on "How to Win Friends & Influence People" based on using this self-centered attribute to appeal to a person's ego and pride in order to persuade and befriend them. Why do you think these sale tactics work so well? Wouldn't the success of such books and tactics give even more validity to the depth of the selfishness that abounds within each of us? Here is where most of us only feed the love of our self even more...

We come to the conclusion that most people are truly selfish, but it is others and not our self. We begin to point the finger at others rather than taking the opportunity to look at us. We judge others based on our limited experience and knowledge, and then condemn them because they don't do things the way we think they should. Selfishness to the very core!! Yet we are so blinded by our self delusion that we never even see it unless it is pointed out to us, and even then our tendency is to become defensive and put up our walls to keep from being hurt by the truth.

If it is true that other people are self centered, we shouldn't lie to our self and say that we are an exception. We are ALL self centered by nature. It is innate. As we settle with this fact, or at least open our self to the possibility, we will see it manifested in our daily life. Examine your thoughts, evaluate your motives for the things you say and do, and you determine for yourself what the driving force is behind what you do.

This is the next step, and we cannot skip it. We have to see how much this impacts our lives. It is not just in the big areas that brought us such remorse and regret, but rather is within EVERY single thought, ALL day long. Even when we drown out the reality of life by watching TV, playing games, or doing some other activity for AMUSEMENT, this too is selfish behavior because we usually do these things at the expense of those in our life who need our time and attention. This is serious business, but nobody ever talks about it.

What we have been doing is obviously not working. What the world has been sharing, teaching, and preaching is obviously not working. It is time to quit sugar coating things, and get serious.
I know this is hard to hear, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be said. Start to examine yourself daily. If we are willing to be honest with our self, we will see it in everything we do.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Now what?

As we begin to see the destruction and pain that our own selfishness has spawned over the course of our lives, we should feel a great sense of remorse. This is a natural occurrence. If we are truly accepting accountability for the consequences of our actions, and if we care at all about those people we have hurt, then we should feel the burden of regret. Don'tm run from this, and do not minimize it in order to avoid the personal pain and reality of what we have done in our life. Yes... We are responsible, and yes we have hurt a great deal of people.

It is not our perception that is relevant at this point. It does not matter if we think we were right. It does not even matter if we were right. It does not matter if we can validate or justify our actions. This is a time of truth, reflection, and seeing things from another person's perspective. Here is a perfect example of our natural tendency...

A husband and wife, who obviously have made a commitment to love one another, often exhibit behavior that is damaging to one another. A man and a woman are so different from one another, that it requires great mutual effort in communication to continue to grow together. Since the woman DOES not think like her husband, he is going to have to be patient with her when trying to convey his thoughts and feelings. He may get frustrated though, maybe even angry, and may even say hurtful things to his wife. He might tell her she is dumb or that she just never gets it, and he may feel more than justified in feeling the way he does. He probably even believes that it is her that is the problem.

So far, this situation is subjective. We need to look at things objectively, in a simple matter of fact perspective. If we love someone, why would we ever want to belittle them and make them feel stupid? Yet alone tell them such! Isn't that an oxymoron? We do it all the time though, and don't even realize it. This is a toxic situation. As the husband continues the emotional and mental abuse of his wife, she will begin to withdraw. She will lose her desire to even talk with her husband out of fear of being attacked, and feeling put down.

To objectively look at situations in our lives, we need to remove "us" from the picture. Better yet, if we can, put our self in the other person's shoes. Do you think this man's wife feels loved when he treats her like that? Does the fact that he believes he should be easier to understand give credibility to his cruel and hurtful attack on his wife? If this man really loves his wife, wouldn't the proper behavior to be exhibited toward her be one of patience and tolerance? So why would anyone treat somebody they love in such a way?

We can give all kinds of minor "surface" reasons, but the root is ALWAYS selfishness. We could say that the other person just never gets it, and we just get tired of trying. That root is selfishness. We could say that they have done so many hurtful things to me, so I just don't care anymore. That root is selfishness.

This realization was manifest in my life in a very profound way in the summer of 2010. I remember telling my wife, "I love you so much!" Her response forever changed my world. She told me, "It doesn't matter how you feel. It matters how I feel, and I don't feel loved." Wow! How true was that! How can we possibly love people as much as we can, and yet they still don't feel loved? If we love someone, shouldn't them knowing and feeling that love be the natural byproduct? If they don't feel loved, then that should raise the question to whether we really love them or not. If we do really love them, then what is preventing us from loving them in such a way that they know it and feel it?  It is because we are not seeing things objectively, but rather only subjectively through our own selfish reality. We love ourself more.

Now what do you see? How many things are there throughout our lives where we have brutally hurt and attacked people in our lives, leaving deep wounds and pain? Our wives, our husbands, our children, our friends, our brothers, and our sisters have all suffered due to our selfishness. None of us are perfect, and none of us can say that we don't exhibit selfish behavior. This is the beginning.

Do not be overwhelmed with the regret, as genuine love and compassion will demand that we have great remorse. If we don't feel the weight, then one of two things is happening. Either we are not accepting accountability, or we are so cold and calloused that we no longer allow our self to feel. If we do not allow our self to feel, to open up and be real, then we can never move forward from where we are. Nobody will ever be able to get in to love us, and we will never be able to love. If our heart is broken from the pain of our failures, then there is great hope us! We are at the only place that true change happens. The point of brokeness and acceptance that finally makes us ready to move forward. Let it resenate within us, for this deep feeling is going to be the very catalyst that we will use to push us to limits never before thought possible. The truth of the pain we have caused, the desire to change it, and the willingness to do whatever it takes to make things different. Does it hurt bad enough that we are willing to do whatever it takes to set things right?

Friday, October 19, 2012

Look Deeper!

This process is not a simple reflection. We are going to have to take time, and put in effort to be able to see things for what they really are. Don't give up! In the world we live in today, most of us don't think. We just don't know how, because we haven't been taught. Instead of owning and controlling our thoughts, we tend to be docile and allow things to own us.

Think about all the things we do for amusement. Watching TV, playing games, texting, and watching movies are all perfect examples. Think about how much time the average person spends in front of a television watching meaningless shows about nothing. Hours are lost just absorbing another person's ideas and propaganda, and most of the content viewed does not promote any real processing of the information. We just suck it up like a sponge. Our minds are weak and darkened by the lack of use.

Muse means "to think". The word amusement literally means "to not think". If we spend so much time not thinking, is it really any wonder that we are not used to the exertion of thought? The evolution theory states that we are getting bigger, better, and smarter. I believe the opposite is true. We are getting dumber, weaker, and more lethargic. Things are not getting better. We continue to become technologically advanced, but that is to our own demise. We no longer think for ourselves, so how can that be an improvement?

Our mind is a muscle. If we don't exercise it, can we really expect it to function at its fullest capacity? What happens when we don't lift weights, when we don't put our muscles to use? They become weak and only operate within the parameter of their frequent application. In order to increase the use and ability of our muscles, we MUST exercise them. We don't just wake up one day and find that we can lift much more than we previously could. It is a process which requires hard work, discipline, and commitment to achieve desired gains. This process of becoming cognitively aware, my friends, is the same in nature. After all, we are talking about a muscle.

As we are examining our self, our life, we need to consider something that will help us see things you have missed in the past. As we begin to accept truths about life, about who we are, we begin to realize that EVERY single thing that has ever gone wrong in our lives are ALL a direct result of selfishness. Think about this for a minute. When our pride is hurt, we respond irrationally by saying or doing things that are contrary to what we want out of life. We say hurtful things to our wife, or yell at our kids when "we" feel hurt or overwhelmed. We do something that could be harmful to another person, physically or emotionally, because we aren't thinking about them. We are only thinking about us.

This is fact. Every single one of us falls into this category. This is innate behavior for all of us, though the extent obviously varies by the person. We may even do compassionate things at times for others, but the selfishness thrives deep within us. We must come to terms with this truth before we can move forward. EVERYTHING is all about us, and herein lies the core of our problems. Why would we lie to someone we love, hence showing such blatant disrespect? Because we don't really care how we hurt that person. We care about us more. Why would you cheat on the person you love, whether it is physically, emotional, or just in your mind? Because we are putting our needs or desires before our spouse's needs and desires.

Can you see it? Does this make sense? Why do we do what we do? I promise you that it is because "it is all about us". So often people are depressed, unmotivated, and hopeless. The institutions of our world will tell us that it is because of some event, or some other person, and tell us that we are validated in our current state of mind. That is a lie. These symptoms are a RESULT of OUR response to some event, or some other person. Depression... Lack of Motivation... Hopelessness... These are huge hurtles for someone to overcome, especially if we can't even see the cause.

All three of these states of being exist because of selfishness. They are simply the manifestation of a big pity party we are having for our self because of something that happened. Poor us. Poor me. We MUST come to a true and clear perspective of who we are, and why we are that way, BEFORE we can do anything about it. Look deeper! Keep searching! Get rid of the excuses, the blame, the justification, and get real with our selves! Our lives depends on it.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Who Are You?

WHO ARE YOU? Most people cannot answer this fundamental question. If someone does give an answer to this question, they most frequently give a definition which is simply based subjectively on the things they do. Examples would be things like: “I am a good husband.” “I am a good wife.” “I am a basketball player.” “I am wealthy.” “I am poor.” None of these things are who a person is. They are all external from who a person is.

What if your husband died? Then you are no longer a wife. If you become injured and can no longer play sports, then you would no longer be a basketball player. What if you lost your job, subsequently losing all of your material possessions? You would no longer be wealthy. Based on subjectively defining yourself on external circumstances, then at the loss of any of them you become lost and undefined. What you have, and what you do, is NOT who you are.

WHO ARE YOU? What a basic question that is so difficult to answer! Most people never take the time to even search for this answer. How sad that so many of us go through life blindly not even knowing who we are. How can you change what you do not know?

If you keep getting in trouble with alcohol, then the world wants to tell you that you have an alcohol problem. WRONG! The alcohol is NOT the problem. We have institutions, classes, and legal systems that are structured on this misperception. External “things” are not the problem. Guns don’t kill people, people kill people. A person who gets in trouble for drinking has no more of an alcohol problem than a person who shoots someone has a gun problem!

The problem, and therein the solution, lies within the person. You, who is reading this post, is looking for answers for a problem that you probably haven’t even defined yet. I challenge you to take a good hard look at who you are. What do you stand for? If you lie, then you are a liar. Whether you get caught or not, because who you as a person is internal and NOT based on external influence. Are you a cheater? Are you honest? Are you faithful, or are you a flake? This is for you, so be honest with yourself!

Until you can honestly describe who you are, you cannot make ANY real changes. Get real with yourself, and search out some honest answers. Are you a prideful person? Are you humble? Once you have come to a concise conclusion of who you really are, you can then examine yourself and decide if you are happy with the answer.

We are masters of lying to ourselves. We very easily distort reality, or simply hide from the truth, and place the blame and responsibility on everything but ourselves. We blame a bad relationship on the other person. We blame our job for our lack of success. We blame a rough day for our lack of commitment to get off our butt and go to the gym.

The blame lies squarely on our shoulders. Quit the BS, and get real! Accept accountability, accept the truth of who you are, and then do something about it! You are responsible, and it is going to require you digging deep to get anywhere! WHO ARE YOU?

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Most people want more from life, but unfortunately they are unsure how to bring their hopes and dreams to fruition. People tend to give up on ever expecting more than what they have, and as a result they live a miserable existence. I want to talk about that step. The step of change that most of us seem unable to take.

"For as he thinks in his heart, so is he." - King Solomon. As I mentioned in my first blog, we always assume change is external. That is a lie. Change is done internally. It begins with how we think, and our thoughts become manifest through our actions. I will give some clear examples...

You and I could go to the gym together. We could have worked out for the same amount of time in our life. We could eat the same foods, and take the same supplements. I promise you though, that if my mind set is fixed on the goal, and yours isn't, my results will far supersede yours.

All the time I see people post things about getting in shape, losing weight, or getting healthier in general. The idea is great, but how to make those goals a reality most people just don't have. We all have the capacity, but it takes commitment, determination, and willingness to make sacrifices to manifest that capacity.

We are a docile people. We are lazy and complacent in general. We must fight to be alive, or accept that we will simply survive from day to day. Most of us don't realize that we are headed somewhere. We are never stagnant. Either we are progressively improving, or we are progressively deteriorating. There is no middle ground.

Just as a person starts to become depressed, they become lethargic, eating habits worsen, weight starts coming on, and health starts decreasing is a downward spiral, so is it when a person becomes energized, they begin to eat better, they start getting in shape, and their health gets better. You don't just change one aspect of your life. You change your life, and then the aspects change!!

Does life hurt bad enough, that you are finally at a place where you are willing to do whatever it takes to reach higher levels, or are you still perfectly content being apathetic? If you don't want to hear what I have to say, then you don't have to keep reading. If you want more, and you are ready to push yourself, then spend some time thinking. Examine yourself. Are you REALLY willing to do whatever it takes?

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Where to look?

Too easily we look around us, searching for something to place blame on for the way things are. We want to blame this person, or that person, for the way they treat us and the way we feel. We look at things external, and make them liable for things which are happening internally. How is this logical? A person thinks things will be better when they have more money, when they move, or when they meet Mr./Mrs. Right. The idea that a person's life is contingent upon anything external is a fallacy. Two people could experience the same situation, but both of them have a different perception. This perception is what gives credibility and justification to their emotions. It is the internal analysis, thought process, which determines the direction and outcome of a person's life...

I am new to writing, but I have been given something that I must share. I have a burning desire to encourage people, build them up, and see them live a life worth living. My heart bares a great burden for families, and I believe men are the key. Many people worry about changing the world, or the country, and I do agree that changes need to be made, but I believe change is accomplished one person at a time. It is to this end that I am persuaded to share the things I know with others who want to listen. One life impacts an exponential amount of people, for better or worse. I want to make a difference.

The things I will share are my personal experience, and my own struggles. None of this is hypothetical. I know these things, because I have lived them. All of my life I have pushed to be the best I could be. I wanted to be rich. I wanted to be good at basketball. I wanted to have a family. I wanted to be happy. I chased after these things that I thought would bring fulfillment to my life, but I always found that once I had closed my hand around my desire that it was not what I was hoping... So I kept searching.

I would change this thing, or that thing, expecting some amazing result. I have changed everything around me, but I could never attain what I was so desperately seeking... I had three serious relationships in my life, but all three failed. They were all three completely different women, and I was the only common denominator. I realized at this point that the problems in my life were internal, that I was the problem. This was the first step to being able to become who I am today. I had to know what the problem was before I could fix it, and I had tried to place that blame on everything else except me. Once I began to examine who I was, I could begin to ascertain what I had to do to make things better.

Listen. If you are in a place in your life where it hurts bad enough for you to do something about it, then I can share some amazing things with you. The very fact you just read this says a lot about what you want out of life. Are you willing to look at yourself? Are you willing to put in some work, and accept some truths? If you want change bad enough, and you are willing to do whatever it takes, then you can achieve anything.