Thursday, April 18, 2013

Tough Questions, Great Opportunities

My son and I were talking, and he was telling me how he felt about homosexuality. He said "I know God doesn't like it, but I want to respect other people and let them do what they want, so I support it." This was a huge opportunity to pour into my son's life. I told him that it doesn't matter what we think. That is what is wrong with the world today. Nobody wants to offend anyone, so nobody holds to any convictions.

I told Hayden like this. Simple truth, simple application. Jesus says if you are not for me, then you are against me. Period. His entire ministry He drew lines. He said "You are here, and you need to be here. If you stay where you are at, you will perish in your sin and you stand under the wrath of God. If you come to me, you will have eternal life and peace now."

The world does not apply rules of logic to their line of thinking. You cannot say you are a Christian, yet approve of things that God hates. It is impossible. I told Hayden that he is going to have to choose a side. Either we are for God, or we are against Him. Period. Then I also shared what Jesus said to His disciples. He said “They hated me, they will hate you also.” I let my son know that to stand for God is to stand against the thing of this world. I told him that if he chooses to obey God and follow Christ, the world will hate him for it. It takes great courage and strength to follow the Lord.

I did not have to specifically address homosexuality. I addressed it at the core issue. If God says it is bad, and to not do it, then it is bad and a person should not do it. Homosexuality is listed in the same list as coveting, which is simply wanting what we do not have. A sin is a sin, is a sin. To approve of one is to approve of them all. I told him that if he chooses to give his life to Christ, it no longer matters what he thinks about things, only what God thinks about them. He will have to make that choice on his own, but I will not let him think it is something other than what it is. There is NO FENCE. We have to make a choice, and be ALL IN. Period.

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