Friday, April 19, 2013

Wrap Your Mind Around This.

Around 33 A.D. the Sanhedrin and Pharisees were the authoritative power in the city of Jerusalem. Something like the Ada county prosecutors and judicial system here where we live. When Jesus was arrested in the garden of Gethsemane, it was done under direct order of the Sanhedrin and Pharisees. This would be as if the judges and prosecutors got together and issued a warrant for your arrest. This warrant was not issued for any criminal act, but rather for the fact that he declared himself to be equal with God.

When he was arrested, every single one of those who were with him ran for their lives. Nobody wants to die after all, and the threat on their lives had been real and perpetuated over the previous year or so. The proceeding torture, public humiliation, public beating, and public crucifixion were witnessed by the entire city. (Jesus was kind of a big deal at the time.) There was no doubt about how those in authority felt about Jesus, his doctrine, and those who followed him. All of his followers hid for fear of their lives.

Then all of a sudden you have men, knowing full well what awaited them if they even acknowledged that they were followers of Jesus, publicly speaking and teaching in the very name of Jesus. These men were preaching that Jesus is the Son of God, knowing that they would die for such a declaration. Now think about this!! Why would ANY sane person do something so blatant and open, knowing that it would cost them their reputation and ultimately their very life!? Churches were springing up out of the wood work at an exponential pace. Even if you don’t want to read the Bible, these facts are recorded in history.

The ONLY thing that makes this phenomenon make any sense is that something had to have happened after Jesus was crucified. Something happened that turned these scared men into fearless speakers. The Bible records this event clearly, and was written at a time when there were eyewitnesses still alive to testify to the event. JESUS WAS RAISED FROM THE DEAD!! He appeared, in person, to many of his believers. In one instance it was recorded that he appeared to over 500 people at one time!

Think about it. If these men saw Jesus face to face, (in body, not a vision), then no wonder they began to be fearless of death. They knew that what Jesus preached was true, and they saw first hand that God is faithful even after death. They KNEW that God would raise them too! They didn’t think it. They didn’t speculate about it. They SAW it! There is no other explanation for the boldness and growth of the church under such hostile conditions. If they hadn’t SEEN Jesus with their own eyes, then why die for a dead man and his lost cause? People don’t stand for lost causes after the battle is already lost. Why throw your life away? Their cause was simply made real by the appearance of Jesus. In KNOWING that you win would you not fight to the end, regardless of the risks? I know I would… I DO.

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