Thursday, April 4, 2013


It is so easy for us to lose focus of what is truly important, and to begin to allow the smaller things in life to steal our joy. The concerns of life weigh heavily against us, and the thoughts and worries of them consume our energy, if we do not diligently take a stand against them. Is there really anything we can accomplish by dwelling on any particular problem? Are not most of them entirely out of our control? None-the-less the thoughts of worry, fear, and doubt come crashing against us.

We can only do our best, but the outcome is not ours to decide. We must strive towards our goals and dreams, knowing that we will get out of them whatever we put in, but we are fools if we concern our self with what lies ahead. We must live in the moment. Right there, in front of us while our minds are entirely preoccupied with the "what ifs", is the moment in which our future is being directed.

We find our selves deep in thought about how to make more money, or how to fix a relationship, or how to find a better job, all the while precious opportunities slip past us that we could be making a difference in any one of these concerns by apply our self in the current moment rather than being detached and withdrawn in our thoughts. If we could only let go of the things that we cannot change, and focus on the moment right before our eyes, we would find a peace that many only dream about.

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