Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Mormon Doctrine is Like...

Jason Cord Massey...

God just gave me a perfect analogy that you will understand perfectly.

Let's say that today I produced a purchase sale agreement for the Mace farm dated from 2009 and I claimed that the Mace development is rightfully mine.

The basis of my claim is that there are missing addendum from the executed purchase sale agreement that pointed to the validity of the contract I have in my hand that gives me rightful ownership to the land, but there is zero evidence of any such addendum.

You would laugh at me and tell me "Yeah... Right." It would be a good con for sure. The only reason anyone would believe me is if I gave them something to gain from my claim being accurate.

If I told you that according to my contract all of my supporters got a lot and house for free. Well... Now I have supporters. A free lot with a house is a great motivator for you to want my claim to be true. However, if you were objective and honest you would see that there are too many holes in my claim for it to be valid.

So it is with the LDS doctrine. Instead of a house on a lot, Joseph Smith leveraged something even more valuable to us, our family. By the grace of God He is showing me the holes so that I might share them with the Mormons the Lord has put in my life. Not to demean, but to reveal the truth in hopes they might see.

You are a smart, smart man Cord. I KNOW that you can see this. God gave me this analogy this morning just for you my friend.

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