Friday, October 19, 2012

Look Deeper!

This process is not a simple reflection. We are going to have to take time, and put in effort to be able to see things for what they really are. Don't give up! In the world we live in today, most of us don't think. We just don't know how, because we haven't been taught. Instead of owning and controlling our thoughts, we tend to be docile and allow things to own us.

Think about all the things we do for amusement. Watching TV, playing games, texting, and watching movies are all perfect examples. Think about how much time the average person spends in front of a television watching meaningless shows about nothing. Hours are lost just absorbing another person's ideas and propaganda, and most of the content viewed does not promote any real processing of the information. We just suck it up like a sponge. Our minds are weak and darkened by the lack of use.

Muse means "to think". The word amusement literally means "to not think". If we spend so much time not thinking, is it really any wonder that we are not used to the exertion of thought? The evolution theory states that we are getting bigger, better, and smarter. I believe the opposite is true. We are getting dumber, weaker, and more lethargic. Things are not getting better. We continue to become technologically advanced, but that is to our own demise. We no longer think for ourselves, so how can that be an improvement?

Our mind is a muscle. If we don't exercise it, can we really expect it to function at its fullest capacity? What happens when we don't lift weights, when we don't put our muscles to use? They become weak and only operate within the parameter of their frequent application. In order to increase the use and ability of our muscles, we MUST exercise them. We don't just wake up one day and find that we can lift much more than we previously could. It is a process which requires hard work, discipline, and commitment to achieve desired gains. This process of becoming cognitively aware, my friends, is the same in nature. After all, we are talking about a muscle.

As we are examining our self, our life, we need to consider something that will help us see things you have missed in the past. As we begin to accept truths about life, about who we are, we begin to realize that EVERY single thing that has ever gone wrong in our lives are ALL a direct result of selfishness. Think about this for a minute. When our pride is hurt, we respond irrationally by saying or doing things that are contrary to what we want out of life. We say hurtful things to our wife, or yell at our kids when "we" feel hurt or overwhelmed. We do something that could be harmful to another person, physically or emotionally, because we aren't thinking about them. We are only thinking about us.

This is fact. Every single one of us falls into this category. This is innate behavior for all of us, though the extent obviously varies by the person. We may even do compassionate things at times for others, but the selfishness thrives deep within us. We must come to terms with this truth before we can move forward. EVERYTHING is all about us, and herein lies the core of our problems. Why would we lie to someone we love, hence showing such blatant disrespect? Because we don't really care how we hurt that person. We care about us more. Why would you cheat on the person you love, whether it is physically, emotional, or just in your mind? Because we are putting our needs or desires before our spouse's needs and desires.

Can you see it? Does this make sense? Why do we do what we do? I promise you that it is because "it is all about us". So often people are depressed, unmotivated, and hopeless. The institutions of our world will tell us that it is because of some event, or some other person, and tell us that we are validated in our current state of mind. That is a lie. These symptoms are a RESULT of OUR response to some event, or some other person. Depression... Lack of Motivation... Hopelessness... These are huge hurtles for someone to overcome, especially if we can't even see the cause.

All three of these states of being exist because of selfishness. They are simply the manifestation of a big pity party we are having for our self because of something that happened. Poor us. Poor me. We MUST come to a true and clear perspective of who we are, and why we are that way, BEFORE we can do anything about it. Look deeper! Keep searching! Get rid of the excuses, the blame, the justification, and get real with our selves! Our lives depends on it.

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