Monday, November 5, 2012

Don't Grow Up

For some of us mediocrity is sufficient, but for some of us we want more. Someone close to me asked me once why I couldn't just be normal. Well, I don't want anything to do with normal. I have been told I am unrealistic and that I am a dreamer. So, I am. I dream big, and I don't believe anything is impossible. I believe that my dreams are attainable, and that I need only assert myself.

I think one of the saddest things that happens as we become adults is that we "grow up". Granted, we must be responsible and mature, but "growing up" robs us of our imagination and hope. In fact, "growing up" is just another term for giving up. Why do we have to just accept that life is only going to be a certain way? How come we can't hold onto the silly child like hopes and dreams that make life worth living?

We tend to trade off the dreams of love, romance, heroism, purpose, service, and accomplishment for the sad daily grind of buying a car, a house, making the payments, and working a job that does nothing to push us to excel. "Growing up" is one of the worse things that ever happens to us.

We must take care of our responsibilities, but these "grown up" things should be the collateral part of our life. Our life should be about the dreaming, the loving, the living, and not about the "stuff". The "grown up" things should be there only to give support to the rest of life, not the other way around. How confused we are about what is important.

We spend hours and hours of time and energy working for the mighty dollar, and we justify the excessive amount of time we spend working by saying we are doing it for our children. I promise that none of us will ever look back on our lives and say that we wish we had spent more time working. In fact, I would be willing to bet that every single one of us will look back on our lives and say that we wish we had spent more time with our loved ones.

Time is the most priceless commodity we have, and we trade it off for dollars on the hour. We stress about those dollars, how to spend those dollars, how to make more of those dollars, and all the while the important things in life barely get the left overs.

We are too tired to play with our kids, too tired to rub our wife's feet, or too tired to have sex with our spouse. Are not these essential components to their relative relationships? Are not these relationships what life is about? Yet the important relationships are given way to the "grown up" worries.

My son recently asked me if it was bad for him to still have an imagination at his age, which happens to be eleven. I told him the saddest day will be when he loses it, and to use it till he can't imagine any more.

Life lies in our ability to dream, to love, and enjoy the small things. We need to remember as we go through our daily routines that it is only the relationships that are truly important. I have met some children that live in a below average income home that are ten times happier than some kids I have met in higher income brackets. Our children and spouses need our time, attention, and love. The "grown up" stuff should only be collateral.

Don't live in a box, and don't let the worries of the "grown up" stuff choke the life out of you. Dream, love, live, and give everything you have into sharing that hope and life with those around you. When we get home from work and we see those precious smiles... That is what life is about. Not the job. Not the car that got us home to them. Not the clothes that we cover our body with, or the shoes we put on our feet. They deserve everything we have to give, and our big dreams should have everything to do with them!

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